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free VST and JS fx plugins for use in Cockos Reaper
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On this page you can find a variety of simple yet unique and very useful VST (and JS) effect plugins (VSTfx: Windows *.dll-files, 32 bit) which I coded for my own purposes as I couldn't find appropriate existing plugins for the tasks. I'm sharing them here free of charge. Please be aware that these plugins may not work at all in other DAWs! I have never tested it. Feel free to test it yourself. In case they do not work there's nothing that I can do about it, sorry. Please simply delete the file(s). However, the plugins do work very well in Reaper. I'm constantly using them.
I have no plans to port the VST plugins to other platforms (Linux, Mac, etc.) nor to make them compatible with other DAWs or to pimp their simplistic gui. In case anything does not work as expected (while using them in Reaper) you're welcome to report the issue. To install and use the plugins simply copy the VST dll files into the usual Vstplugin folder of your computer. Regarding the JSFX files, copy them into a subfolder of the Effects folder which can be found under the Reaper resources path.
All plugin parameters are automatable - at least in Reaper, maybe also in other DAWs. The plugins are designed to be useful while working with LR/MS stereo signals or when dealing with multi-channel signals and multi-channel files respectively. Combining several plugins opens up very interesting processing options also. Multi-channel signals occur for example if one sets the input of a DAW's track to more than one channel, simplest case being regular stereo. However, Reaper allows to set track input count to other even-numbered values like 4-channel, 6-channel (5.1 surround), 8-channel (Ambisonics), 10-channel , etc.. Of course, the audio interface has to dispose of the according amount of physical inputs. Maximum no. of channels a single track can handle is 64 channels (!) which results in a single interleaved 64-channel wave file being recorded. If you already have multi-channel files from other sources (field recorders, Ambisonics) you can of course use the appropriate plugins to process those files. Some plugins help facilitate routing and channel management of multi-channel signals/files.
Important notice: All plugins come without any warranty. You may download and use them completely at your own risk and I explicitly refuse any liability in case anything goes wrong!
If you find my plugins useful please consider a donation! Any amount is very much appreciated!
When clicking on the 'support plugins' button you will be re-directed to a PayPal payment page where you can input any amount you wish to send to me. Thank you in advance for your support and your recognition!
Please note: Only a few JSFX plugin versions of my plugins are available at the moment. You can download all currently available JSFX in a single zip file (right-click to save; updated on 2019-03-13).
SonicAxiom_Stereo-Wizard (audio VST plugin)
- converts left-right stereo signals (LR) to mid-side stereo (MS)
- separate volume trim for the mid and for the side signal
- you can vary the original stereo width to be either very narrow or extremely large (always keep an eye on the signal's correlation when increasing the stereo width!)
- plugin output volume fader
- option to swap left and right channel
- plugin can be set to output LR or MS stereo
- A/B comparison feature (processed/unprocecssed signal), while maintaining MS decoding
- in MS mode, the plugin's output can be toggled between stereo and mono to allow acoustical verification of mono compatibility
- it's strongly recommended to place a stereo scope plugin (goniometer) or at least a correlation meter right behind the Stereo Wizard to visually check the signal for possible phase issues
download SonicAxiom_Stereo Wizard (2018-03-26) - no JSFX version available atm
SonicAxiom_SmoothFader V2 (audio VST plugin)
- in contrast to all the different volume automation envelope modes in Reaper (linear, fast, slow, etc.) this plugin actually produces very smooth and natural sounding fades, notably very useful to get smooth fade-outs at the end of songs
- this plugin should be placed at the end of the master track's fx chain, however, plugins that only analyze the audio and don't affect it audibly (scopes, vu-meters, etc.) should be placed behind this plugin
- in order to create a smooth fade-out, insert an automation envelope for the "target level" parameter of the plugin and set the curve to its maximum value of 1 throughout the song
- the characteristic of the automation envelope points for this particular envelope should be set to "Bézier"
- at the desired location in the song (where the song fade-out should begin) insert a point into the target level envelope
- appr. 12-20 sec. after the first point (depending on the feel of the song), insert a second point into the envelope and drag it down to the curve's minimum value of 0
- now play back the resp. automated section of the song. The plugin will create a very musical and smooth fade by smoothing out the original Bézier-shaped envelope you've just drawn
- note that the actual smoothed fade-out will last a bit longer than the underlaying envelope fade!
- the "fade time" slider allows you to vary the smoothness of the fade; the default value of 7.5 sec. yields natural sounding fades, suitable for most applications
download SonicAxiom_SmoothFader V2 (2019-01-18) - no JSFX version available atm
download old version SonicAxiom_SmoothFader (2018-10-25). This version fades a bit slower at low levels. No JSFX version available atm.
SonicAxiom_MS_LR - simple (audio VST plugin)
- converts left-right stereo signals (LR) to mid-side stereo (MS) or vice versa depending on the input signal
- output volume trim
- additional attenuation feature (6 dB pad) should be enganged when input signal is LR stereo to keep the level consistent
- plugin's output can be toggled between stereo and mono to allow acoustical verification of mono compatibility
- for instance, the plugin can be placed at the end of an MS processing chain that starts with the Stereo Wizard plugin to convert the processed signal back to LR stereo
download SonicAxiom_MS_LR - simple (2018-03-26) - no JSFX version available atm
SonicAxiom_LR_Stereo width (audio VST plugin)
- allows gradual adjustment of the stereo width from 0% (pure mono) to 200% (pure S (=side) signal). 100% corresponds to the original stereo width.
- increasing the amount above 150% should be checked via a stereo scope and listened back while putting the monitoring system into mono since getting closer to 200% increases phase cancellation.
- beware: at 200% (pure side signal) the resulting signal will cancel out completely when listened back in mono!
download SonicAxiom_LR_Stereo width (2018-03-26)
SonicAxiom_Item router 8x stereo - minimal (audio VST plugin)
- before inserting this plugin in the fx chain of an item please make sure to set the item's track to a channel count of 16 in the track's routing window (32 when using the 16x version of the plugin). Afterwards, insert the plugin on one or more items on that track
- once inserted into an item's fx chain, this plugin allows you to route the item's audio to another track
- using multiple instances of this plugin on several items on the same track, you can route each item to a different destination track
- effects that are placed into the track fx of the track where the item lives are ignored if you choose a routing other than "1+2"
- other effect plugins present in the item's fx chain are ignored if they are placed after this plugin
- routing has to be set up correctly in the item's track's routing window also
- routing selection is automatable via item automation
download SonicAxiom_Item router 8x stereo - minimal (2019-03-12)
Also available in a 16x stereo version: SonicAxiom_Item router 16x stereo (2019-01-17)
SonicAxiom_Item multi-router 8x stereo (audio VST plugin)
- before inserting this plugin in the fx chain of an item please make sure to set the item's track to a channel count of 16 in the track's routing window (32 when using the 16x version of the plugin). Afterwards, insert the plugin on one or more items on that track
- once inserted into an item's fx chain, this plugin allows you to route audio from that item to the track it's sitting on and notably to up to 7 other tracks simultaneously
- each 'item send stereo bus' has its own mute feature and volume fader
- effects that are placed into the track fx of the track where the item lives are ignored if you choose a routing other than "1+2"
- other effect plugins present in the item's fx chain are ignored if they are placed after this plugin
- all parameters are automatable via item automation
download SonicAxiom_Item multi-router 8x stereo + vol (2022-09-17)
Available variants:
- stripped-down 'basic' version with only the 8 mute sliders and no level faders: SonicAxiom_Item multi-router 8x stereo - basic (2022-09-17)
- 8-channel mono version (mute sliders + level sliders): SonicAxiom_Item multi-router 8x mono + vol (2022-09-17)
- 8-channel mono version 'basic' (mute sliders but no level sliders): SonicAxiom_Item multi-router 8x mono - basic (2022-09-17)
16-bus-version "SonicAxiom_Item multi-router 16x stereo version" coming soon.
SonicAxiom_multi-channel channel switcher 2x mono (audio VST plugin)
- allows to listen to only the left or the right channel of a 2-channel (dual-mono or stereo) recording, however centered in the stereo field
- main purpose of this plugin for me is the possibility to record a singer's voice with two mics simultaneously and then be able to later decide while mixing which mic fits the voice best by conveniently toggling the two mic signals - no track soloing/muting hassle involved
- volume trim per channel allows retroactive level-matching of the two mics to render a/b-ing more meaningful
- channel switching and level timming are automatable
download SonicAxiom_multi-channel channel switcher 2x mono (2018-02-04)
This plugin exists in 4 other useful variants:
- SonicAxiom_multi-channel channel switcher 4x mono (2018-02-04) - allows to toggle between up to 4 mono channels of a 4-channel-multichannel-recording (for example after having recorded one voice with up to 4 different mics at once)
- SonicAxiom_multi-channel channel switcher 2x stereo (2018-02-04) - can toggle between the 2 stereo streams of a 4-channel-recording, for instance to make comfortable (and automatable) A/B-comparisons between two mixes or two simultaneous, alternative stereo recordings
- SonicAxiom_multi-channel channel switcher 3x stereo (2018-02-04) - can toggle between the 3 stereo streams of a 6-channel-recording umschalten (A/B-comparison of three stereo mixes
- SonicAxiom_multi-channel channel switcher 4x stereo (2018-02-04) - can toggle between 4 stereo streams of an 8-channel-recording
SonicAxiom_multi-channel_level_trimmer_4x_mono (audio VST plugin)
- allows individual level-trimming of the 4 mono channels inside a 4-channel multichannel recording
- trim faders are automatable
download SonicAxiom_multi-channel_level_trimmer_4x_mono (2018-03-26)
This plugin comes 3 in other useful variants:
- SonicAxiom_multi-channel_level_trimmer_8x_mono (2018-03-26) allows level-trimming of the 8 individual mono channels inside an 8-channel multichannel recording
- SonicAxiom_multi-channel_level_trimmer_3x_stereo (2018-03-26) allows level-trimming of the 3 stereo channels inside a 6-channel multichannel recording
- SonicAxiom_multi-channel_level_trimmer_4x_stereo (2018-03-26) allows level-trimming of the 4 stereo channels inside a 8-channel multichannel recording
SonicAxiom_multi-channel patcher 1-8 (audio VST plugin)
- can re-order/split the 8 input channels coming into the DAW form an audio interfaces (or the channels of a multichannel file) in any way you like/need
- channels that are not needed can be muted (position "none")
- input channels can be splitted to several outputs
- channels in surround or Ambisonics signals/files can easily be re-ordered
- automatable, digital patchbay right inside a DAW's track!
- example: during a drum recording, it may have been impossible to patch all channels in the desired order due to patchbay or audio interface limitations or other restrictions. By using this plugin, you can easily re-order all channels the way you want. In Reaper, it's possible to put the plugin into the input fx section. This will enable you to re-order channels on the fly before they even get recorded. Of course, you can also use the plugin in the "normal" track fx section to re-patch channels during mixdown. Or throw it onto a multichannel item (as an item fx), re-order channels to your liking and then glue the item to incorporate the desired order of channels into a new file
download SonicAxiom_multi-channel patcher 1-8 (2018-03-26)
Also available in a 16-channel version: SonicAxiom_multi-channel patcher 1-16 (2018-02-24)
SonicAxiom_multi-channel patcher 8 ins to 2 outs (audio VST plugin)
- allows you to pick 2 arbitrary (also non-adjacent!) channels of an 8-channel multichannel file/signal
- a channel that is not needed can be muted (position "none")
- selection is automatable
download SonicAxiom_multi-channel patcher 8 ins to 2 outs (2018-03-26)
Also available in a 16-input version: SonicAxiom_multi-channel patcher 16 ins to 2 outs (2018-03-26)
SonicAxiom_multi-channel polarity flip x8 (audio VST plugin)
- each mono channel of an 8-channel-multichannel signal can be individually polarity-flipped
download SonicAxiom_multi-channel polarity flip x8 (2018-02-04)
SonicAxiom_multi-channel mute_mono_x8 (audio VST plugin)
- each mono channel of an 8-channel-multichannel signal can be muted individually
download SonicAxiom_multi-channel mute_mono_x8 (2019-02-05)
Also available in a 4x stereo version: SonicAxiom_multi-channel mute_stereo_x4: Each of the 4 stereo streams of an 8-channel-multichannel file can be individually muted (2019-02-05)
SonicAxiom_crossfader_2x_stereo (audio VST plugin)
- allows to cross-fade between or make a blend of 2 stereo streams of a 4-channel-multichannel signal
- level trim for both stereo signals
- switch to mute each stereo signal
- output mix level of plugin can be adjusted
download SonicAxiom_crossfader_2x_stereo (2018-08-27)
Also available in a 2x mono version: SonicAxiom_crossfader_2x_mono: Can crossfade/mix/blend together 2 mono signals, for example the two mics of a guitar amp recording (2018-08-27)
SonicAxiom_stereo channel selector (audio VST plugin)
- allows to monitor all possible variants of a dual-mono or stereo signal
- stereo
- L+R (mono, mid channel, M)
- left channel only, right channel muted
- left channel only, centered
- right channel only, left channel muted
- right channel only, centered
- LR channel swap
- L-R (difference)
- L-R (side channel, S)
download SonicAxiom_stereo channel selector (2018-10-22)
SonicAxiom_mono switch (audio VST plugin)
- simple stereo/mono toggle switch
- automatable
download SonicAxiom_mono switch (2018-03-26)
SonicAxiom_in-track_send_fx_router (audio VST plugin)
- allows to use an insert fx as if it was a send fx inside of a track
- dedicated mute features as well as dedicated level trimmers for wet and "virtual" send signal
- one benefit of using this plugin is that you can for instance mute the direct signal to only listen to the wet signal for verification purposes
- the send signal is routed via channels 3 and 4 of the track (pin routing); you may have to manually set the track's channel count to 4
- you have to set the input of the actual send effect plugin (following my plugin) to pins 3 and 4 and then add a mixer plugin to combine the wet and the dry signal
- this plugin can also be used as an item effect which enables you to route audio directly from that item to another track or to a desired hardware output of your audio interface!
download SonicAxiom_in-track_send_fx_router (2018-03-26)
SonicAxiom_8-channel_MS-encoder (audio VST plugin)
- can toggle each of the 4 stereo streams of an 8-channel-multichannel signal (or file) between LR and MS stereo
download SonicAxiom_8-channel_MS-encoder (2018-03-27)
SonicAxiom_selective multi-channel monitoring (audio VST plugin)
- suitable for 8-channel-multichannel signals/files
- allows to individually monitor any combination of channels of a multichannel signal/file from mono to 6-channel
- top-most slider determins the monitoring mode (no. of channels to be monitored); depending on its state, one of the following sliders becomes active to choose the desired channel or combination of channels to be monitored
- you can monitor each individual mono channel
- you can monitor each of the seven possible 2-channel-pairs (1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, 7-8)
- you can monitor each of the six adjacent 3-channel groups (1-3, 2-4, 3-5, 4-6, 5-7, 6-8)
- you can monitor each of the five adjacent 4-channel groups (1-4, 2-5, 3-6, 4-7, 5-8)
- you can monitor each of the four adjacent 5-channel groups (1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8)
- you can monitor each of the three adjacent 6-channel groups (1-6, 2-7, 3-8)
- level trim for each channel
- very useful when converting surround channel assignments or when extracting channels from Ambisonic files
- in some cases it may be clever to place the 8- or 16-channel patching plugin in front of or behind this plugin
- the screenshot shows the plugin in "3-channel mode", where the slider for the triplet groups is set to monitor channels 5-7. Group selection sliders for other channel counts are inactive in this mode, however level trims are always working
download SonicAxiom_selective multi-channel monitoring (2018-03-27)
SonicAxiom_downmixer_4x_stereo_to_1x_stereo (audio VST plugin)
- mixes the 4 stereo signals on 8 track channels into a single stereo signal
- level fader for each stereo bus
- each stereo bus can be muted individually
- mixer output level trim
- toggle switch to forward or mute stereo busses 2~4 after the plugin
Download SonicAxiom_downmixer_4x_stereo_to_1x_stereo (2021-04-29)
This plugin comes in 7 other variants:
- SonicAxiom_downmixer_2x_stereo_to_1x_stereo (2021-04-29) mixes 2 stereo signals on 4 track channels into a single stereo signal
- SonicAxiom_2x_stereo_to_1x_stereo_merger (2023-01-23) mixes 2 stereo signals on 4 track channels into a single stereo signal; most basic plugin layout; track channels 3-4 can be muted or not behind the plugin
- SonicAxiom_downmixer_3x_stereo_to_1x_stereo (2021-04-29) mixes the 3 stereo signals of a 6-channel multichannel signal
- SonicAxiom_downmixer_4x_mono_to_1x_stereo w pan (2018-02-04) mixes the 4 mono signals of a 4-channel multichannel signal; each of the 4 mono signals can be level-trimmed and panned individually
- SonicAxiom_downmixer_8x_mono_to_1x_stereo w pan (2018-02-04) mixes the 8 mono signals of an 8-channel multichannel signal; each of the 8 mono signals can be level-trimmed and panned individually
- SonicAxiom_downmixer_16x_mono_to_1x_stereo w pan (2018-02-04) mixes the 16 mono signals of a 16-channel multichannel signal; each of the 16 mono signals can be level-trimmed and panned individually
- SonicAxiom_downmixer_16x_stereo_to_1x_stereo w pan (2018-04-02) mixes the 16 stereo signals of a 32-channel multichannel signal; each of the 16 stereo signals can be level-trimmed and panned individually
SonicAxiom_5-channel acoustic guit decoder MS + DI + XY (audio VST plugin)
- allows convenient mixing of an acoustic guitar recording, simultaneously capturing the instrument with an MS stereo setup (channels 1 and 2), an XY stereo setup (channels 5 and 6) and a DI signal of the guitar (channel 3) into a single multichannel file (multichannel 4 is unused)
- the plugin requires the MS stereo channels to be multichannels 1 and 2 and will decode the incoming MS stereo signal to LR stereo and offers further processing of the MS signal (level, stereo width, L/R swap)
- the DI signal (expected to be on channel 3) can be either mixed with the plugins stereo output mix (incl. pan) or can be routed to a separate DAW track to apply further plugin/fx processing
- dedicated level- and balance faders available for the XY stereo signal, which is expected to arrive on multi-channels 5 and 6; this stereo signal can alternatively be routed to a dedicated DAW track for further processing via pins 5 and 6 of the plugin
- MS signal and XY signal can be mixed exclusively
- MS signal and XY signal can be individually muted
- MS signal and XY signal can be individually solo'ed
- A/B-ing feature to compare the plugin's mix with the original sound
download SonicAxiom_5-channel acoustic guit decoder MS + DI + XY (2021-04-24)
Several variants of this plugin are available:
- SonicAxiom_4-channel acoustic guit decoder MS + XY (2021-04-24) allows manipulating a multi-channel acoustic guitar recording simultaneously made with an MS stereo mic setup plus an XY stereo setup
- SonicAxiom_3-channel acoustic guit decoder MS + DI (2018-10-29) allows manipulating a multi-channel acoustic guitar recording simultaneously made with an MS stereo mic setup plus the guitar's DI/pick-up signal
- SonicAxiom_3-channel acoustic guit decoder XY + DI (2018-03-26) allows manipulating a multi-channel acoustic guitar recording simultaneously made with an XY stereo mic setup plus the guitar's DI/pick-up signal
SonicAxiom_4-channel e-guit amp rec 3x mic + DI (audio VST plugin)
- you'd like to record a guitar amp with up to 3 different mics simultaneously and wanna also capture the guitar's DI signal to be able to later re-amp the guitar? This is the plugin for you!
- multi-channel assignment: channel 1-3: microphones 1-3 - channel 4: DI signal
- in case you are using less than 3 mics, simply leave multi-channels 2 and/or 3 unused
- the plugin allows to conveniently mix all microphone signals incl. level and pan in a single DAW track
- signals that are not desired in the mix can be muted
- each microphone signal can be solo'ed
- the DI signal can be routed to a separate DAW track for further processing via pin 4 of the plugins (for re-amping or other purposes)
download SonicAxiom_4-channel e-guit amp rec 3x mic + DI (2018-10-29)
SonicAxiom_MIDI_ProgramChange_Broadcaster (MIDI VST plugin)
- sends MIDI Program Changes from PC 001 through PC 128
- can toggle keyboard sounds
- can toggle other presets and programs
- can remote control programs/parameters of external devices like MIDI-fied guitar effect machines and digital mixing consoles
- program change toggling can be automated
download SonicAxiom_MIDI_ProgramChange_Broadcaster (2018-04-05)
If you find my plugins useful please consider a donation! Any amount is very much appreciated!
When clicking on the 'support plugins' button you will be re-directed to a PayPal payment page where you can input any amount you wish to send to me. Thank you in advance for your support and your recognition!